The Erasmus+ programme is for people like you who want to develop professionally, train for a new job, gain new knowledge, travel, learn new skills, volunteer to help others, ensure a brighter future for you and your children.
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond.
When we left the programme we lost all of these opportunities for ourselves, our kids and grand kids. The UK's Turing Scheme was meant to be a replacement but only covers a small slice of what Erasmus+ offered.
The UK left the Erasmus+ programme, not because of Brexit - in fact when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, he promised we'd stay in the programme. Leaving was a choice, not a Brexit consequence.
We don't have to rejoin the EU to join Erasms+
Six non-EU countries like Norway and Turkey are
not EU members but are full members of Erasmus+
The European Movement are campaigning to join Erasmus+.
Please read on to find out
how you can support our campaign and build a better future for our families and the country.
Joining Erasmus+ could be one of the easiest and most popular moves the government could make to rebuild relations with Europe and give us back our lost opportunities.
Read our Erasmus+ briefing to understand how much we have lost and why we should join Erasmus+
You can find out what the Erasmus+ programme is, how the UK benefited when we were members, why we left, how the Turing scheme fails as a replacement and why we should rejoin. There's also three short videos for you to look at.
There's a lot of myths around the Erasmus+ scheme, many spread by journalists and politicians who should know better. To help separate truth from fiction we have prepared a short 'myth buster'.
Check out our Erasmus+
We are calling on the Government to open negotiations to re-enter the Erasmus+ programme, and for opposition political parties to pledge their support.
You can show your support and add your weight to our campaign by signing our petition here: Sign petition
This is really important. MPs do take notice of the emails and letters they receive, particularly if you can share relevant personal experiences and write in your own words rather than using a template.
However, we have some tools to help you. You can get loads of ideas by checking out our Myth Buster (above) and reading our Erasmus+ briefing.
If that doesn't work for you then we have prepared a you can use as the basis for your email/letter. Do please add your own experiences and thoughts to the letter rather than just sending it without any changes. Your MP will quickly spot template letters and is less likely to take them seriously.
To make things even easier we have created a tool to Find your MP contact details (from your postcode) and a tool to actually Send an email to your MP for you.