Not Buying It!

Cliff Mitchell - 15/11/2018
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It's never been more important, or easier, to write to your MP - Do it now!

Not Buying It! Write now.

It’s never been more important or more urgent for you to write to your MP and ask them to reject the dodgy deal that is being pushed by Theresa May and (some of) her (remaining) cabinet.

You can have a real and direct influence by telling your MP your views before they vote in parliament to accept or reject the deal on offer, and demand a democratic vote on the final deal that includes an option to remain in the EU.

It’s now also easier than ever to write to your MP.

The People’s Vote campaign have created an online tool that does the hard work for you by creating a personalised letter based on a few simple questions. You can further edit the letter and then choose to have the People’s Vote post the letter to your MP on your behalf, print the letter so you can post it yourself, or let the People’s Vote email it to your MP for you.Send letter or email.

The whole process just takes a few minutes and guarantees your MP hears your views.

We urge everyone in Staffordshire to take this opportunity.

The government is in turmoil and your MP must listen to you as a constituent. Please...

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